Aluminium fabrication is a process that’s commonly used to shape aluminium into certain shapes. A wide range of both chemicals and procedures take place during the process of forming aluminium into different shapes – these procedures help give aluminium a variety of physical properties.

If you provide metal fabrication services or have previously worked in aluminium fabricator jobs, then you’ll know first-hand the amount of benefits that come with working with aluminium. If you’re interested in finding out exactly what aluminium fabrication is, continue reading.


Main Benefits of Using Aluminium

Aluminium has a high heat resistance compared to other materials such as plastic or steel. Unlike steel fabrication, aluminium fabrication offers affordability and great strength. Being light-weight, strong, non-sparking and non-magnetic, aluminium is the perfect choice when it comes to fabrication.

Whether it’s using aluminium fabrication for windows and doors or shaping it in general, the type of material that aluminium is makes it ideal to use in fabrication thanks to its durability and adaptability.

Regardless of the design, aluminium can be shaped into an array of finished products and spans a range of processes such as stamping, welding, shearing, bending and extruding to name a few. With an extensive list of ongoing benefits to using aluminium, its recyclability, ductility, electrical and thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance are what make the metal so popular.


Popular Aluminium Fabrication Processes

Extrusion, casting, forging and rolling are the most popular aluminium fabrications that are used day-to-day. If you’re a fabricator employee or your job withholds fabrication-based work, then there’s no doubt that you’ll be familiar with these processes.

Let’s go through the four most popular processes that are commonly used within the fabrication industry.



During this particular process, a ram is used to push heated aluminium billets through something known as a die, which is usually the desired cross-section form. Think of this process like play dough – it can be shaped and pushed through the plastic die to form any shape.

Semi-hollow, hollow and solid shapes can be formed with extrusion, allowing the aluminium to be cut to a variety of different lengths. If you want a smooth surface at a low-cost, extrusion is the process we recommend the most.



Shaping aluminium into more complex shapes can prove to be difficult, especially if you aren’t familiar with using different processes. To get the most accuracy with your aluminium, the technique of casting should be used.

When it comes to fabricating aluminium for your next work project, think about the details and complexity of what you’re working on – casting gives you options if you want to be able to see various textures in more detail. Over time, casting has begun to be used more often in the world of fabrication thanks to the process offering a no-size limitation.



Another great fabrication process is forging. By applying a full amount of pressure, forging involves forming metal by pounding or squeezing the material into its desired shape.

With a heated slab of aluminium in place, the forging process enables it to be shaped with a press hammer. Manufacturers tend to use the forging process when they’re having to create larger structures.



By passing aluminium slabs through various rolls, the permanent rolling over your aluminium sheets allows you to bend your aluminium and reduce its thickness. Rolled aluminium can be used for drink cans, roofing, gutters and household-used foil.

To find out more about aluminium fabrication, feel free to contact us today.