Steel frame construction is a vital component of the construction industry, providing several advantages over traditional approaches. This revolutionary kind of construction is well-known for its durability, lifespan, and adaptability.

In this blog post, we’ll take a deeper look at the techniques, types, and costs associated with steel frame building to help you understand why it could be the best option for your next project.


Methods of Steel Frame Construction

Steel frame construction mainly consists of putting together steel parts to make a solid framework.


Conventional Steel Fabrication

In this method, steel parts are cut, shaped, and welded on-site. This traditional method allows you to customise and be flexible, but it can take up a lot of time and manpower. It’s typically used for intricate structures that need specific shapes and designs.


Bolted Steel Construction

Bolted steel construction is when steel parts are made off-site, brought to the construction site, and then bolted together. It’s a fast and efficient method because most of the work is done in a controlled environment. This type of construction is typically used in commercial buildings and tall structures.


Light Gauge Steel Framing

Light gauge steel framing is when thin sheets of steel are shaped through cold-forming. It’s essentially like wood framing, but with steel instead. This method is incredibly popular for residential and light commercial construction because it’s easy to put together, lightweight, and can fend off pests and fire.


Modular Steel Construction

In modular steel construction, whole sections of a building are built off-site in a factory. These modules are then brought to the site and put together. This approach helps speed up construction and cuts down on disruptions at the site. It works well for projects that need to be done quickly and have similar designs, like hotels, apartments, and schools.


Types of Steel Frames

Steel frames come in different types, each designed for specific uses and structural needs. These can range in size and structure depending on what they are needed for.


Skeleton Steel Frame

A skeleton steel frame is made up of vertical columns and horizontal beams that create a grid. It’s commonly used in high-rise buildings and big commercial structures because of its strong and flexible nature. This kind of frame allows for spacious floor layouts and big windows.


Portal Frame

Portal frames are known for their sturdy connections between columns and beams, creating a rectangular portal shape. They are often seen in industrial buildings, warehouses, and farming settings. Portal frames are cost-effective and easy to put up, which makes them perfect for big, open spaces.


Braced Frame

A braced frame has diagonal bracing to make it more stable and able to handle strong sideways forces like wind and earthquakes. This kind of frame is commonly found in buildings in earthquake-prone areas. The bracing can be done with steel rods, cables, or strong steel parts.


Space Frame

A space frame is much like a 3D truss system that is very lightweight and sturdy. It’s made up of struts all connected in a cool pattern. You can find space frames on big building roofs, stadiums, and exhibition halls because they’re great at distributing weight and looking great.


Cost of Steel Frame Buildings

Item Unit Average Cost
Steel Building Construction Per M^2 £200-£300
Complete Steel House Per M^2 £1250
Steel Frame Building and Cladding Per M^2 £250-£350

When it comes to labour costs, it depends on where you are and how complicated the project is. If you’re using traditional steel fabrication methods, you might end up paying more for skilled welders and fabricators. But if you go for bolted or modular construction, you could save money on labour because they’re faster and more efficient.

Despite the figures stated above, it is incredibly difficult to pinpoint a specific price for your steel frame construction projects as every project is different and the price of steel fluctuates vastly based on a number of factors and additional costs.

Other things to think about are the transportation of materials, getting the site ready, permits, and inspections. These extra costs can start to add up, so make sure to include them in your budget.

Even though steel frame construction might be more expensive at first, the benefits over time usually make it worth it. Steel buildings tend to have lower maintenance costs, last longer, and are more resistant to natural disasters, which can end up saving you a lot of money in the long run.



Steel frame construction has a range of benefits, like using steel as a strong and durable metal, as well as quick and efficient. Knowing the different ways, styles, and costs of steel frame construction can help you make a smart choice for your next building project.

Whether you’re building a skyscraper, a large warehouse, or a brand new house, steel frame construction is a solid and eco-friendly option that fits the needs of modern architecture.